What more could I ask for?
This will most probably (definitely) be the last blog that I (Zach) will post on this blog for at least 739 days (thank you uncle Paul for the atomic countdown clock). What should I write about for my last post? I could try to be funny or I could be sappy.
It has been a pretty emotional week for me. I had to leave BYU and all my friends. It was definitely the best time of my life. I now have to say goodbye to all my Napa/Benicia friends, I am saying goodbye to FB pretty soon, and soon the cell phone. I am not too worried about these things actually. "Going Monk" as Hansel from Zoolander would say.
Anyways, what I am really trying to say is I am excited to go on my mission. It's not really going to be that long. It is a once-in-a-lifetime experience where I have a divine calling to specifically teach the elect of God who are willing to follow Jesus Christ. I cannot wait to see the impact that the gospel will have on those of Texas. And knowing that I am going to be a part of that process makes it so much sweeter.
I am so grateful for my family. They always tell me how awesome I am and what not, but without my family I would be nothing. I have learned so much from each one of my siblings, my parents, and my brother's/ sister in law. I love them so much. I am so lucky to have been given a family that really has shown me true love. What more could I ask for? I too often take them for granted and hope they all know how much they mean to me.
Sometimes I wish I had been an older sibling because I feel like I have missed out on all the good times of growing up with the kids. I can't remember really any of my siblings as being young kids(except that one time we went to Jamaica and all the girls had crazy hair). But I know that the experiences I can remember are just as awesome.
I know that my mission is one of the greatest things I could ever do to give back to my Savior who has given me so much, and I am going to work as hard as I can while I am out there. But I will always remember what is most important.

Love, Elder Wagner
Attention all siblings attempting to contact me in person on my mission:
AKA These guys:

The only way to see me is if you want a missionary discussion :)